Eastspringinvest scam

  • Anonymous Complaint
  • ID: 1045
  • 3131
  • 15 八月 2022年
  • 15 八月 2022年
  • No location

I was convinced I had invested in Forex with the Trader eastspringinvest at eastspringinvest.io.

when the so call investment achieved its age to be withdrawn I requested it to be. At the time an invoice from a Liquidity provider was sent to me regarding capital gain tax and stated that after payment the funds would be immediately sent to my account.
I paid the first invoice, a second invoice again over all money and although complaining that I was tricked because no money arrived to my account, the so called involved managers tell me that the problems was issued they authorize the withdraw bit no money was transfer again.
This time a new email with another invoice to confirm the account existing comes up and again saying after payment all funds would be immediately in my account.
I contacted directly the issue company of the invoice that confirmed that it was a fake. Then they requested me to send copy of all invoices I had received on their behalf so they can take action and measures against eastspringinvest.
On that day I went stray to authorities to formalize a complaint.
it’s doubtful that I will recover any of my money but with the fuzz I can make on internet against that website will prevent that it happens to others.

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Anna Harris
I also got scammed on this trading website, i have been able to get my money back contact Jacob for help Whatsapp +41 225481190

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